Aug 7, 2011

Serenity Sunday

The Four of Cups depicts  a young man forlornly looking over three cups in front of him, off to his side, appears a bright shiny Cup just waiting for him to reach out to it, yet the man is disastified. This is a card of dissention, and malcontent. When this card comes up, it often means that the person is seeking more than their needs and is not content with just having their needs met, when maybe what is needed is being thankful for one's blessings.

Count your blessings, this is such a simple charge and a reminder to be grateful for what we have. Yet in the craziness and the hustle and bustle of daily living stopping to be grateful and count our blessings is often one that we fail to overlook. Instead of the losses focus on the positive aspects of life, it can help in shifting attitudes and life challenges.

My List:

1.) My kids

2.) My pets

3.) Roses blooming

4.) Birds at the bird feeder

5.) Overcoming obstacles

6.) Iced tea

7.) Great books

8.) Good friends

9.) Butterflies

10.) Good night's sleep

Aug 1, 2011

Deck Review- Upcoming reviews

I have some amazing decks that I'll be reviewing in the coming weeks...

* The Celestial Tarot by Kay Steventon and Brian Clark
* The Gendron Tarot by Melanie Gendron
* The Golden Tarot by Kat Black
* The Lover's Path Tarot by Kris Waldherr
* and a special review requested by Sheri, tune in to see which deck it might be!

These are really great decks and I hope that you will drop by to check them out!