Oct 21, 2010

Prosperity Spell

Prosperity Spell

This spell is best worked on a Sunday or a Thursday during the waxing moon.

Cauldron with burning charcoal inside
Basil, Chamomile and Sage (all are herbs associated with prosperity)
Cup of water
Dish of salt or earth
Athame or wand

~ Cast the circle however you choose.
~ Invite the Lord and Lady to your circle in whatever manner is most comfortable to you.
~ Cast the herbs onto the burning charcoal while visualizing your goal -whether it be bills that you need to pay or whatever reason you are seeking financial help.
~ Sprinkle a few drops of water and salt or earth upon the charcoal.
~ As you move your athame or wand over the cauldron clockwise, to blend the energies, say:

"By the powers of air, fire, water and earth,
I release this spell.
I ask for Divine guidance as I seek help this day.
With harm to none,
this spell be done."

~ Spend a few moments in meditation, visualizing the smoke from the cauldron carrying the energies out of the circle and into the universe.
~ Thank the Lord and Lady for the assistance in your magickal working.
~ Release the circle.
~ Ground and center yourself.


faeryfay said...

Thanks Lizzie, I like this spell.

Eliza said...

I'll have to try that when I go and stay with my parents as I don't have a real fire :-) Love the spell though.