Feb 6, 2011

Serenity Sunday

in·cite (in sīt)
transitive verb incited -·cit′edinciting -·cit′·ing
to urge to action; stir up; rouse: to spur on.
(from Merriam-Webster dictionary)

My List:

1.) My kids
To those who have ...

2.) Those who have inspired me...

3.) Those who have made me think...

4.) Those who have caused me to question...

5.) Those who have moved me to tears

6.) Those who have dared me to dream...

7.) Those who have told me I could...

8.) Those who have helped me along the way...

9.) Those who have given me insight...

10.) Those who have made me angry...

Thank you, for without you, I would not be who I am today.

1 comment:

Magaly Guerrero said...

I needed that little push, a bit of urging. I need to go dig my car out of the snow and go grocery shopping ;-)

Blessed Sunday!