Jul 19, 2009

Serenity Sunday

When the dark moon appears, it becomes easier for us to shed unnecessary emotional baggage and free ourselves of people and ideas that no longer serve us or add value to our life. It is a time to cleanse ourselves and create space so that what is new can enter.

For many people, the dark moon is a time to rest, be introspective, and replenish their energy. Powerful, healing dreams have been known to take place during the dark moon, and you may discover that it is during the dark moon that you are most driven to meditate, explore your intuitive abilities, retrieve past life memories, or delve more deeply into your psyche.

One way to harness the energy of the dark moon is to perform a ritual where you light a black candle. First, ground and center...then call forth and visualize the different parts of your life that you are ready to let go of. Through visualization, bind these parts together with light and imagine this bundle moving toward the candle. Watch these old parts being devoured by the flames, and let the candle burn out. Trust that what you've released has left you. Thank the goddess and you are now ready to welcome the new into your life.

New Moon for July, 2009

July 22, 02:35

My List:

1.) My kids

2.) My cats

3.) Harry Potter movies

4.) Fish for the pond

5.) Snuggles and hugs and kisses...oh my!

6.) My Faeries Oracles cards

7.) Homemade burritos

8.) Fudgesicles

9.) Text messaging...It is the twenty first century!

10.) Stargazing with my buddy

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