Jul 7, 2009

Tarot Tuesday

This week I'm very excited to introduce an oracle deck by Jessica Galbreth called "The Enchanted Oracle." You may recognize her name associated with her writing contibutions in the Faeries Oracle by Brian Froud but she too, is a highly talented artist. I simply love the gorgeous way her drawings seem to spring to life on this oracle deck, lending a mysteriously magical appeal to it's reading interpretations.

One card, Gothique talks about our shadows... what scares us. The message is that of recognizing our fears and facing them so that we can release them and move on. The extra that is presented with this card is “Fear Itself” – a journaling exercise to help the Seeker identify their fears and work them out.

The book begins with a short section on how to use the Enchanted Oracle, including the basics for using a pendulum and reading with the cards. The steps for performing a reading are given as:

1. Decide your question, and write it down.
2. Select the spread you are going to use.
3. Shuffle the cards.
4. Lay out the cards according to the spread that you selected.
5. Interpret the cards.
6. Write

I should be getting this deck today or tomorrow, I'm so excited I can harldy wait to feel these cards in my hand. Hopefully between today's blog and next week I can work with them and post a one card interpretation for next Tuesday.

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