Aromatherapy is a generic term that refers to any of the various traditions that make use of essential oils sometimes in combination with other alternative medical practices and spiritual beliefs. Popular use of these products include massaging products, medicine, or any topical application that incorporates the use of essential oils to their products. It has a particularly Western currency and persuasion. Medical treatment involving aromatic compounds may exist outside of the West, but may or may not be included in the term "aromathatherapy." Below I have listed three types of aromatherapy using various herbs for different situations and a little history of how it was used in ancient cultures.
Calming Aromatherapy:
Chamomile derives its name from the Greek kamai melon, meaning fallen apples and the Latin "nobilis" refers to noble flowers. A very soothing essential oil. It promotes relaxation, encourages patience, ease and allays worries.
Chamomile's nature is to help us let go of expectations and calmly acknowledge our own limitations. Egyptians dedicated this herb to the Sun since it cured fevers while other sources say it is a Moon herb for its cooling effect. Egyptian priests recognized its soothing properties for nervous complaints. Often considered the Matriarch in Aromatherapy.
Meditation Aromatherapy:
Elemi essential oil has a lemon-pepper, green-wood, spicy balsamic scent.
The traditional empirical and anecdotal narrative for Elemi is that it eases stress and nervousness by imparting a sense of joy and peace. It has a unifying effect and is helpful for meditation and visualization. Its nature is to impart an appreciation for all the gifts in
our life. The resinous, fragrant gum of Elemi was used in Egypt in the sacred practice of mummification. It was used as a fumigant and to treat respiratory complaints and was popular in 15th century Europe in unguents as a skin preservative to slow wrinkles in ageing skin and
to heal wounds and infected cuts.
Relaxation Aromatherapy:
Clary Sage essential oil is a herbal, nutty fragrance. It is a top/ middle note.
The traditional empirical properties and anecdotal narratives are that the lovely scent of Clary Sage may bring relief to stressful situations as it has an uplifting effect on the mind. Clary sage regenerates energy and inspires both mind and spirit. It can induce a kind of euphoria or a feeling of elation. It is thought to also encourage vivid dreams and enhances creative work.
Clary sage was called herba sacra, or 'sacred herb' by the Romans. It was thought to banish all grief from the mind and body, and it was one of the most popular drinks in Britain before India and China teas were consumed. Clary sage's nature is to encourage us to be
more receptive and allowing.
These are but a few of the that can be used. I tried to branch out in my research to include some oils that I normal don't use in my aromatherapy collection, I figured I could learn a few new things as well. I strongly encourage to check out a few websites that discuss herbs and essential oils and try a few to see just how our moods can be affected.