Aug 6, 2009

Tarot Shadow Work

Other Shadow Work Exercises

In the book, after The Star Of Discovery exercise , there are a few things that can be done before embarking on the next step "In The Shadow Of The Star." One such activity is to visualize your shadow. If you are artistic you could draw your shadow, if you like to express yourself in words, try writing a poem or short story about your shadow.

If you could describe your shadow, what would you say about it...? What would it look like....? Would it have a voice...? Shadows are most often the opposite of our own self image....they can be negative and represent those qualities we we have been taught to ignore...we may have even been told that certain subjects are forbidden or must not be expressed.

Another activity mentioned in the Shadow Work book is to watch a sunrise and sunset...Go outside in a quiet place and sit as the day begins to fade away and become night. Watch the sun as it slowly sinks beyond the horizon and the stars light the sky. Try the same exercize at the how the sky becomes illuminated and the orangish purple hues give way the the morning as the sun peeks up from the distance.

Sit and feel the warmth on your face... the birds starting to chirp and other sounds of nature starting it's day. When you see the opposites of the sun rising and setting again... what other opposites are you able to accept...? What opposites do you find that you try to resist...? Now, time to do these exercises myself before I head into the next step in The Star Of Discovery.

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