Sep 17, 2009

Tarot Shadow Work- The Gift Of Wisdom

This week, I'm working with the card Justice in conjuntion with the World card as I will be applying it to "The Gift of Wisdom." Wisdom is not something that you can buy from or something that we are born with, it comes from patience, stillness, listening and experiences....learning from our mistakes.

In the Star of Discovery, (card one) The World ...I am comparing it with the Justice card in position six, I find myself asking how does this apply to me? What is the gift that lies within the shadows? The Justice card's Shadow Qualities are "using only logic to make decisions...being out of touch with your Higher self and an "All or nothing" viewpoint." I, myself am very aware of the last on the list, I have always had a black and white outlook on life and it's situations.

The problem that comes with this mentality is that I tend to miss out on all the wonderful "grey" areas that life can offer. There are so many things that I have missed out on up until now and by working through this book, a whole new perspective has begun to unfurl before me.

I had the idea to draw another card that will represent aggression that I need to bring into my concious and drew The Empress. Her Shadow Qualities are inability to let go of relationships...feeling emotionally barren or separated....dwelling on pains from the past and holding on to destructive situations. I completely understand how I exhibit these qualities and by addressing them in my concious will allow me to become better aquainted with them.  I am not trying to 'fix" these aggressions at this present time but by bringing them out into the light, I am able to see them for what they are and how they became anchor's in the here and now.

After the events of the past week it all seems to be coming together and working on my shadow is beginning to blend into all aspects of my life and I'm happy to say that I am becoming a much better person and gaining in wisdom by leaps and bounds!


Rue said...

Just wanted to say, I'm really enjoying this Tarot journey you are one - lots of insight to be found here! Blessings to you!

Bridgett said...

This is incredibly interesting. I look forward to more of these posts.
