Aug 19, 2009

Chicken Cacciatore

I haven't put up a recipe in a while, so while getting dinner ready yesterday, I got the brilliant idea to blog about my version of Chicken Cacciatore I like to add a few things that recipies usually don't have in their list of ingredients to kind of give it a bit 'o flair.

Lizzie's Chicken Cacciatore

*4 skinless, boneless chicken breasts
*2 tablespoons vegetable oil
*1 medium green bell pepper (thinly sliced)
*1 medium yellow bell pepper (thinly sliced)
*1 medium red bell pepper (thinly sliced)
*2 medium onions (red or yellow)
*3 cups diced tomatoes, undrained
*1 large can sliced mushrooms, drained
* 1 large can sliced black olives
*2 tablespoons oregano leaves
*2 tablespoons pesto basil leaves
*3 cloves garlic, finely chopped
*Grated Parmesan cheese (to sprinkle on top just before serving)


Pre-heat oven to 325 degrees

Rinse chicken breasts and place in 9x11 in. pan (I user a glass one), chop onions, bell peppers, garlic, and herbs and place into a large mixing bowl. Next add the oil, diced tomatoes, sliced mushrooms, salt and sliced olives and mix together. Pour mixture over chicken and let marinate for about an hour, cover with aluminum foil then put the chicken in the oven for approximately 45 minutes, remove the foil and bake until cooked through. Just before the chicken is done, sprinkle parmesan cheese over the top and serve with a fresh sprig of parsley. Voila...bon apetite!


Laila and Angel Minchie said...

It does look yummy indeed! I've printed this off and plan to make it while I'm helping my sis out after foot surgery in two weeks. Thanks, Liz!


Teacats said...

Printed this wonderful recipe to use later in the week! Many thanks!

Jan at Rosemary Cottage