Aug 3, 2009

A Very Witchy Garden Update

The last couple weeks have been unbearably hot and it's been a bit of a struggle trying to keep my little herb garden from wilting in the sweltering afternoon heat but I've managed to do pretty good.

It wasn't that long ago that I put in my herb garden and pond and looking at the pictures I took right after I planted, I can see just how far they've come!

My cats love to dring the refreshingly cool pond water and have not benn tempted to do any fishing and love to feel hidden amongst all the bushy herbs. I have even been able to throw together a few tasty dishes with clippings taken from my favorites. I still have a few things in mind for appearance of the garden but right now, I'm feeling pretty darned pleased!

1 comment:

Debra She Who Seeks said...

It's gorgeous! I can see why the cats love it.