Mar 4, 2010

Do You Have A Potty Mouth?

How many times have you found yourself substituting these words for the ones that almost came tumbling out of your mouth.....

Monkey Flunker                              ~  Son of a biscuit eater

~ Huzzah                                         ~  What the Fish

~ What the CrabCakes?                     ~ Brattycakes           

~ Holy Shibblets                                ~  Blimey

~ Gobb Dash it
~ Shang-a-lang 

Cursing, they say, is universally human.... Every language, dialect or non standard term ever studied... living or dead, turns out to have its share of forbidden speech.... some variation on comedian George Carlin's famous list of the seven dirty words that are not supposed to be uttered on radio or television.

Profanity and spoken indecencies have existed since the birth of language. Across history and cultures, gestures, phrases, and single words have stirred controversy. Even today, such "bad language" is under continual scrutiny for censorship by governments and groups. Most would agree that they themselves or other people in general, only utter expletives under extreme circumstances... for example, pain, surprise, fear, anger, etc. Others use curse words as part of everyday speech, which may be common practice in the region they live or environment they work.

As British lexicographer Jonathon Green notes, "In medieval England, all the popular swear words were a form of blasphemy. Around 1700, sex and defecation were the genesis for profanity." These days, the most offensive words are racist, sexist, and homophobic terms, while curses involving body parts and functions are common today... their shock value has lessened.

 The notorious "f-word" dates back to the 1500's and it's been impolite ever since. But the familiar "s-word" simply began as a term for diarrhea. More vulgar usages developed over time, with some of the most colorful invented in the 20th century. How did the evolution (or devolution as some might say) of such words happen? Very slowly. Invasions and immigration mixed English and other languages, and this helped word meanings change. Much like the definition of obscenity, swearing has changed over time, and a word's usage can vary from place to place.

So, the next time you find those socially taboo words just about to slip past your tongue...Take a deep breath and just walk away....(it works in theory...)



Fire Lyte said...

Can I still poke them with my pitchfork? Great article as usual!


Anonymous said...

I think cursing is an artform. I have come into contact with many a person who should just stick to goshdarnit and jimminy crickets. I say let 'er rip if you know how. You already know this since you've read my blog.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Holy moly! Aichihuahua! If you say bad words, you're going to go straight to Aitch EEEEE Double Hockey Sticks!

Jacqueline said...

Words are just letters of the alphabet put together; I have never been offended by words themselves...It's how they are used with anger or as a put down that is offensive in my opinion...I am divorced, but have 2 teenaged step daughters I still see 2 weekends a month and cat babies, so I guess I can get away with it a little more.