I was rummaging through my "purse/bag/carry everything" the other day and suddenly had the idea to see just what things I had in there that I kept juggling around to get to what I acually needed. So I dumped it all out on the couch and started itemizing my inventory. The results are as follows....
*My wallet- that's a necessity of course, need that license with that really bad photo on it just in case I need to identify myself.
* A pair of fingernail clippers and toenail clippers- I hide them here so I don't have to interrogate the children about where they went.
*A tin of Altoids- Gotta have fresh breath if I happen to run into Mr. Right in the produce isle at the grocery store.
*My tarot cards- For that on the spot reading that I may be asked for...hey, maybe Mr. Right has an issue that he needs resolved....
*Lighter- Yup, a nasty smoker type I am! Seems the cure is more expensive than the habit lately...
* Reading glasses- Just can't see that fine print anymore, must mean I am older than dirt after all.
* Moisturizing eye drops- To put in my eyes when my contacts dry out, usually after squinting to see that pesky fine print.
* My watch- Probably should wear it so I don't have to hear that I go by PST (pagan standard time...)
* Spare key for the house- In case I lose my car keys somewhere and don't wanna explain to the swat team about why I'm breaking into my own house.
* Quartz crystal- Hmm, not sure why that's in there but you never know when you might need a little clarity I suppose.
*Spare change- Lookie... the children must not have found that yet...better leave it in there for now.
So, that's what I found...not really sure what that says about me...I used to have a lot more in there but it got so heavy I had to whittle down it's contents in order to avoid dislocating my shoulder. Anyhow, I'm going to contemplate that thought for a while while you all run out and see just what's in your purse....