Aug 31, 2009
Attack Magic
The concept and it's significance vary widely among different cultures. Belief in the evil eye is ancient and widespread; it occurred in ancient Rome and is found in Jewish, Islamic, Buddhist, Hindu and Christian cultures, being particularly prevalent today in the Mediterranean and Aegean.
The "curse" is usually thought to be unintentional, although it can be deliberate (in southern Italy it is believed that some people - gettatori - are spiteful and deliberately cast the evil eye on their victims). In Greece and Turkey there are glass blue eye charms to ward against the evil eye are still regularly sold - very often to be pinned on a baby's clothing. A religiously devout as well as superstitious nation, as the Greeks are, they will often wear a protective charm, or mataki, as well as the cross, around the neck.
I'm not too sure about the Evil Eye myself but I do know there are types of attack magic and unfortunately there are those people out there that do not subscribe to the three fold law (and just as unfortunately are pretty miserable human beings inside). One type of attack magic is that of psychic vampirism...I know it sounds silly but have you ever been around someone who after a few hours just makes you feel tired and drained and you just want them to go away? These people (mostly unintntentionally) are needy types and can drain ones energy just by hanging around.
Some people, out of misguided ideas about what witchcraft truly is, seek out to affect others using this technique, so it is always a good rountine to shield yourself from all the harmful and negative energy that surrounds us most of the time. I don't mean you have going around paranoid and suspecting everyone that is around you but a little healthy prevention is always good!
Aug 30, 2009
Serenity Sunday
My List:
1.) My children
2.) My cats
3.) Great friends
4.) Courage
5.) Quiet evenings listening to the rain
6.) Kisses
7.) Walking the dog
8.) The smell of the crisp air in the morning
9.) Hot chocolate
10.) FaceBook
Hey, if you have a moment...drop by The Domestic Witch and check out her cool giveaway! The goodies include these great items:
*A sachet of dried chamomile for magical endeavors evolving money, love and purification.
*A sachet of dried lemon balm which comforts the heart and driveth away melancholy and sadness.
*Coal, associated with the North and Earth, and it can be used with any corresponding witchery in that arena. It rules in Winter, Samhain and Yule; at night and in the third quarter to Dark Moon phases. It represents wisdom, the Sage and Crone.
*A homemade lavender smudge stick to smoke negative forces away and attract positive forces, most especially love.
Aug 29, 2009
Tehuti Is Just Another Name
Thoth's role as mediator is well-documented. It is he who questions the souls of the dead about their deeds in life before their heart is weighed against the feather of MaatHe was even sent by Ra to speak with Tefnut and ask her to return when she abdicated her position and went to Nubia. He is also the great counselor and the other gods frequently went to him for advice.
Thoth is an unusual god and though some stories place him as a son of Ra, others say that Thoth created himself through the power of language. He is the messenger of the gods (and thus identified by the Greeks with Hermes) and the divine record-keeper and mediator.Thoth is considered a lunar deity and is often depicted wearing the lunar crescent on his head. There is a story told of how Thoth won a portion of Khonsu's light, and this may be the reason. As a lunar deity his totem animal is the baboon, a nocturnal animal that goes to sleep only after greeting the new day.
Aug 28, 2009
The Irish Goddess Of Personal Power
Today I want to introduce to you, Maeve... a Celtic goddess. Maeve is the goddess that defies convention and is "The queen of the moment"... She has a strong personality and often flies in the face of the norm. She is proud and controlling, caring yet productive and intelligent...she is the very model of the power and hidden potential that lies within each and every person.
She is a goddess to be reckoned with. Her name translates to "she who intoxicates". Indeed, she was reknown for her prodigious appetites for sex, power, and drink. Honey wine, or mead, is named for her. A great warrior queen, she coveted the famous brown bull of Ulster. She schemed and wreaked havoc until he was hers, not to be denied her desires. She embodies obsession, addiction, bloodlust and battle. She is thought to be the progenitor of Maab, the English Queen of the Fairies.
What hidden potential do you have? What are some of your hopes and dreams....goals that you want to see come to fruition in your life? We often have issue with maintaining focus when setting our goals and when we wander off track it can be somewhat disheartening. Here is an activity that I found in the book "Goddess Alive" by Michelle Skye to help focus and encourage us.
Supplies Needed:
* Stylish paper (can be parchment paper or some other fancy paper)
* Colored pens, ( colored pencils and markers can be used too)
* Post-it notes
* Some old magazines or newspapers
When you have your supplies needed, pull a fresh sheet of paper out and write your goal at the top using your markers, pencils or pens. Your goal can be anything like I want to own a bookstore or I want to make and sell tarot bags. No goal is too small or insignificant and worthy so remember, this is you directing your life. After you have your goal written down, take different colors and start writing all the things that you can think of that have to do with this goal. You can write upside down, sideways and even in the margins if your paper is lined. Write it down even if it seems outlandish or silly. When you are done with that turn the paper over and clip out magazine pictures or anything else and make a collage representing your goal.
Now, keep doing this for a week and watch your dream grow...meditate on your goal that week and focus your this goal right for me? Take some post-it notes and write down some steps that you can take to make your goal real, like checking out buildings for lease or what types of inventory you would like to order. Each time you accomplish something on your list, tear off the post-it sheet and start on the next thing to do. Continue creating goals and before long they will all be a reality!
Aug 27, 2009
Tarot Shadow Work- The Present
Now, when most people see the Death card, images begin to flood the mind of a dimly lit little shop with jars of mysterious contents and a very spooky old gypsy reading fortunes and announcing that "There is great trouble ahead..." when in all actuality, Death simply means that one phase or circumstance in your life is ending and a new one is beginning, bringing with it opportunities and choices that you may not have had before. In the Shadow meaning, Death represents blocking sad feelings, the mask that you wear and show to the world, staying stuck and an unwillingness to experience emotional pain.
Looking at these two cards together, it is glaringly obvious that in the "here and now" I have a tendancy to remove myself from any situation that may or may not cause me emotional pain and choose to occupy my mind with silly trivial things rather than deal with it, heal and move on. I always chalked it up to my only child status but upon digging deeper, I believe the pattern started as a way to insulate myself from all the trauma and discord in my home life. When things got rough at home between my mom and dad, I often ended up at grandma and grandpa's so that I could be away from the insanity but I think it may have set me up for a pattern of running away and hiding from emotional situations.
I'm a grown adult now, and I can look back upon those childhood year not with resentment or anger but a sense of "Ah Ha, that's why I react this way or that and I am able to grow and become stronger and more grounded. I don't regret anything I experienced as a kid because without those experiences in my life I would not be who I am today and I feel pretty darned good in my own skin!
Aug 26, 2009
Aug 25, 2009
Tarot Tuesday
Aug 24, 2009
Miscellaneous Monday
Aug 23, 2009
Serenity Sunday
The economy...such a touchy subject lately, politics and the economy has been the cause of struggles, sacrifice, strife and even wars. I've always been a Democrat and been somewhat liberal in my thinking but when it comes to the economy, I suddenly want to be concervative. It's tight out there... real tight...I think my budget needs WD-40 just to get through sometimes!
Aug 22, 2009
My Tarot And Oracle Collection
Aug 21, 2009
Dark Moon Bath
* 2 cups powdered milk
* 1/2 cup epsom salt
* 1/2 cup baking soda
* 6 drops sandalwood oil
* 5 drops vanilla oil
* 4 drops gardenia oil
* 4 drops orange oil
* Mix, and use 1 cup per bath
Aug 20, 2009
Tarot Shadow Work- The Past
Aug 19, 2009
Chicken Cacciatore
*2 tablespoons vegetable oil
*1 medium green bell pepper (thinly sliced)
*1 medium yellow bell pepper (thinly sliced)
*1 medium red bell pepper (thinly sliced)
*2 medium onions (red or yellow)
*3 cups diced tomatoes, undrained
*1 large can sliced mushrooms, drained
*2 tablespoons oregano leaves
*2 tablespoons pesto basil leaves
*3 cloves garlic, finely chopped
*Grated Parmesan cheese (to sprinkle on top just before serving)
Aug 18, 2009
Tarot Tuesday
Aug 17, 2009
Aug 16, 2009
Serenity Sunday
My List:
1.) My kids
2.) My cats
3.) Family
4.) Best friends
5.) Freedom
6.) Seedless grapes
7.) Hugs
8.) Hot baths
9.) Digital cameras
10.) Evening walks
Aug 15, 2009
Altar Etiquette
* You don't need to touch anyone's sacred items. Always ask permission.
* Just because the owner of the altar has said yes once, doesn't apply to any other time or place. You are not free to handle things on the altar whenever you choose.
* Interpret any hesitation as a "no."
* And gracefully accept a "no." It may not be anything personal. Some things are simply too private to share.
* Ask before placing things on a group altar. Usually for group work, you will know ahead of time the kinds of things that might be appropriate. But sometimes very specific energy is being raised, and other items may not serve the ritual.
* Avoid talking about their sacred items and spiritual practices with "outsiders." People who don't use them don't understand, and it dilutes that individual's power to share sacred things . Especially if they turn out to be judgemental about it.
Aug 14, 2009
Aug 13, 2009
Tarot Shadow Work- Recovery
1. The act, process, duration, or an instance of recovering.
2. A return to a normal condition.
3. Something gained or restored in recovering.
4 The act of obtaining usable substances from unusable sources.
Aug 12, 2009
Domestic Witch Blog Award
~ Link the nominees within my post.
~ Don't forget to mention the person who gave you the award.
~ Let my chosen winners know that they received The Domestic Witch Blog Award by commenting on their blog.
Aug 11, 2009
Tarot Tuesday
The card I drew is #14, the Jack of Diamonds. Now, the Fortune Telling deck is a tad different and I think that is probably why I haven't used it, so bear with me as I muddle along.... The card itself has writing on it, as all the cards in this deck do, and says "The rider is a sign of good news, unless alongside of #6, #8, #11 or #13."
Aug 10, 2009
Button, Button
Aug 9, 2009
Serenity Sunday
A unicorn is a mythical and legendary animal depicted as a beautiful horse with a single strong horn on its forehead. It is believed by many, a unicorn had the hind legs of an antelope, the beard of a goat and a tail of a lion.
In Chinese mythology, a unicorn is known as a Ki-Lin or Chi-Lin. The ancient Chinese believed a unicorn to be represent great and good things and also as a harbinger of good fortune. According to one of the Chinese legends, Chi-Lin would appear at the time of birth of wise men and emperors. They also believed at the time of birth of a Chinese philosopher and thinker Confucius, a Chi-Lin appeared carrying a piece of imperial jade in its mouth. The prophecy of the baby was written on it.
My List:
1.) My kids
2.) My cats
3.) Waterfalls
4.) Garlic
5.) Lazy weekends
6.) Good friends
7.) Romote controls
8.) Lavander fabric softener
9.) Podcasts
10.) Herbal tea
Aug 8, 2009
Aug 7, 2009
Elemental Creatures- The Salamander
Aug 6, 2009
Tarot Shadow Work
In the book, after The Star Of Discovery exercise , there are a few things that can be done before embarking on the next step "In The Shadow Of The Star." One such activity is to visualize your shadow. If you are artistic you could draw your shadow, if you like to express yourself in words, try writing a poem or short story about your shadow.
If you could describe your shadow, what would you say about it...? What would it look like....? Would it have a voice...? Shadows are most often the opposite of our own self image....they can be negative and represent those qualities we we have been taught to ignore...we may have even been told that certain subjects are forbidden or must not be expressed.
Another activity mentioned in the Shadow Work book is to watch a sunrise and sunset...Go outside in a quiet place and sit as the day begins to fade away and become night. Watch the sun as it slowly sinks beyond the horizon and the stars light the sky. Try the same exercize at the how the sky becomes illuminated and the orangish purple hues give way the the morning as the sun peeks up from the distance.
Sit and feel the warmth on your face... the birds starting to chirp and other sounds of nature starting it's day. When you see the opposites of the sun rising and setting again... what other opposites are you able to accept...? What opposites do you find that you try to resist...? Now, time to do these exercises myself before I head into the next step in The Star Of Discovery.
Aug 5, 2009
Ugly Ducklings
Aug 4, 2009
Tarot Tuesday
Aug 3, 2009
A Very Witchy Garden Update
Aug 2, 2009
Serenity Sunday
1.) My kids
2.) My cats
3.) Best friends
4.) Cheap plastic kiddie pools
5.) Sprinklers
6.) waterfights
7.) Air conditioning
8.) Otter Pops
9.) Lammas blessings
10.) Flavored water